Norman Chideckel MD Vein Center

Welcome to the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center

Welcome to the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center, a comprehensive vascular practice providing state-of-the-art care to patients throughout the tri-state area. Under the direction of board-certified surgeon Dr. Norman Chideckel, we utilize our advanced skills and many years of experience to help patients achieve clear, beautiful and healthy legs. With our convenient Manhattan location, Dr. Chideckel offers… Continue Reading

Skin Care During Winter Months

In a recent blog posting, I addressed the issue of bleeding from spider veins, and the association with dry skin.  The question is what can you do to prevent dryness of the skin. Skin Care in Colder Weather During the winter, colder weather months, there is a constant change occurring to or skin.  When out… Continue Reading

Bleeding Varicose Veins

One of the scariest varicose vein related issues is the sudden onset of bleeding.  The bleeding episode may be the result of a local trauma, or more often than not it may occur spontaneously.  It is very dramatic as the bleeding is profuse and pressurized to the extent that some patients have described it as… Continue Reading

What Stockings Should I Wear?

Support Or Compression Support or compression hose aid in vein blood flow return from the lower extremities.  They also prevent swelling of the lower extremities, and energize the legs during daily activities.  The questions often asked are which stocking are appropriate for me, and what is the difference between these stockings. The appropriate grade level… Continue Reading

NYC top vein surgeon talks about Vein Damage with Exercise

Potential Vein Damage With Exercise In a past blog, I addressed the question as to the use of support stockings during exercise.  As mentioned there has not been any proven scientific benefit to the use of support stockings during exercise, however, there has been evidence that using support stockings after exercise, during recovery, is beneficial. … Continue Reading

Doctor for Varicose Veins of the Arms

Varicose Veins of the Upper Extremity In previous blogs we discussed the diagnosis, and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Varicose veins of the upper extremities are not often an issue, as there is little pressure exerted on the normal vein system of the upper extremities. We have also discussed, in a previous… Continue Reading

Management of Venous Thrombosis

Blood Clots Venous thrombosis, or blood clots, is treated with anticoagulation therapy. Historically the treatment has consisted of Heparin initially, delivered intravenously, or by subcutaneous injection, and then long term treatment with Coumadin (warfarin) an oral anticoagulation tablet. The reason that treatment begins with Heparin, which is delivered into the blood stream, is so that… Continue Reading

Blood Clot in the Vein

Very often people may be confused, at no fault of their own, with regards to medical terms. The issue of “blood clot” is an example of this issue. Blood clot can also be referred to as phlebitis, thrombosis, or thrombophlebitis. All of these carry the same meaning that is blood trapped in a vein. The… Continue Reading

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