Norman Chideckel MD Vein Center

Welcome to the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center

Welcome to the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center, a comprehensive vascular practice providing state-of-the-art care to patients throughout the tri-state area. Under the direction of board-certified surgeon Dr. Norman Chideckel, we utilize our advanced skills and many years of experience to help patients achieve clear, beautiful and healthy legs.

With our convenient Manhattan location, Dr. Chideckel offers patients a wide range of services to treat varicose and spider veins, deep vein thrombosis, and other vascular conditions, including:

Dedicated to helping patients achieve their desired results through the most effective and minimally invasive treatments available, Dr. Chideckel and his staff take the time to talk with each individual patient and address any concerns or questions they may have before undergoing treatment. Your comfort and satisfaction are among our top priorities.

To learn more about the services provided by Dr. Chideckel, please contact us to schedule an appointment. We always welcome new patients and look forward to meeting you.

Vascular Surgery & Vein Center
108 East 96th Street
Front 1
New York, NY 10128
Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment.

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Category Archives: Spider Vein Treatment NYC

Spider Veins: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Spider Veins Causes Treatment Prevention -SclerotherapyWhat are spider veins causes, treatment, and prevention? Spider veins are a common condition that affects many people, particularly women. They are small, thin veins that appear near the surface of the skin and often resemble spider webs or tree branches. While spider veins are usually harmless, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort for some people. If you are suffering from spider veins, it’s important to understand the causes, treatment options, and prevention strategies available to you.

Causes of Spider Veins

Spider veins are caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics: If other members of your family have spider veins, you may be more likely to develop them.
  • Age: As you get older, the valves in your veins can weaken, making it more difficult for blood to flow properly.
  • Hormonal changes: Changes in hormones, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menopause, can affect the veins and increase the risk of spider veins.
  • Sun exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause spider veins to appear on the face or legs.
  • Injury: Trauma to the skin, such as a cut or bruise, can lead to the development of spider veins.
  • Obesity: Being overweight or obese can put extra pressure on the veins and increase the risk of spider veins.

Treatment Options for Spider Veins

While spider veins may not be a serious health concern, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort for some people. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for spider veins, including:

  • Sclerotherapy: This involves injecting a solution into the affected veins, causing them to collapse and fade away over time.
  • Laser therapy: This uses a laser to target the affected veins and destroy them, causing them to disappear over time.
  • Radiofrequency ablation: This involves using heat to destroy the affected veins, causing them to shrink and disappear over time.
  • Vein stripping: This is a surgical procedure that involves removing the affected veins through small incisions in the skin.

The best treatment option for you will depend on the severity of your condition and your individual needs. A vascular surgeon can help determine the best course of treatment for you.

Prevention Strategies for Spider Veins

Spider Veins Causes Treatment PreventionWhile spider veins may not always be preventable, there are several strategies that can help reduce your risk of developing them, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can put extra pressure on the veins, increasing the risk of spider veins.
  • Exercising regularly: Regular exercise can improve circulation and help prevent the development of spider veins.
  • Avoiding prolonged sitting or standing: Sitting or standing for long periods of time can put extra pressure on the veins and increase the risk of spider veins.
  • Wearing compression stockings: Wearing special compression stockings can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of spider veins.
  • Protecting your skin from the sun: Prolonged sun exposure can cause spider veins to appear on the face or legs. Be sure to wear sunscreen and protective clothing when spending time outdoors.

Contact Dr. Norman Chideckel for Spider Vein Treatment in New York City

If you are suffering from spider veins, Dr. Norman Chideckel of the Vascular Surgery & Vein Center in New York City can help. With years of experience in the field of vascular surgery, Dr. Chideckel offers a wide range of treatment options for spider veins, including the latest minimally invasive procedures.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Chideckel, call the Vascular Surgery & Vein Center today.

Vascular Surgery & Vein Center
Dr. Norman Chideckel

108 East 96th Street
New York, NY 10128

Spider Vein Treatments

Looking for information about spider vein treatments? Small, damaged veins that may appear on the surface of your face or legs are called spider veins. If you’re affected by it, you most likely won’t feel any pain, and they’re not harmful to you.

Some people, however, get them treated for cosmetic reasons because they appear as thin lines in blue or purple just under the skin hence the name.

Spider Vein Treatments NYC

People usually get it treated to minimize its appearance, and vascular surgeons offer a range of treatments to treat this type of venous disease.

How are Spider Veins Different from Varicose Veins?

It is important to note the distinction between spider veins and varicose veins. Venous insufficiency essentially has two different forms called spider veins and varicose veins.

The two conditions are somewhat similar in nature, and both of them are a result of damaged valves in your veins.

The key distinction between the two, however, is the symptoms associated with each form of venous disease.

Spider veins are normally very small. Slim lines underneath the surface of your skin often appear blue or purple in color. While they may normally cause a little distress, people affected by spider veins often report facing no pain at all.

Varicose veins, on the other hand, appear deeper and larger in contrast to spider veins. They’re twisted in nature, normally taking the appearance of a lumpy red color.

People affected by varicose veins may normally face a number of symptoms:

  • While spider veins are mostly painless, varicose veins, on the other hand, can be painful and cause major distress to the person affected.
  • Some individuals have reported feeling itchy while being affected by varicose veins.
  • Severe cases of varicose veins may lead to the leg swelling.

The symptoms of varicose veins are generally dictated by the severity of the condition.

Causes of Spider Veins

Spider veins are a result of the valves of the vein being damaged or weakened. Essentially the function of veins is to carry the blood to the heart. The veins have a one way valve which comes to a close as the blood passes through.

This can explain how a weakened valve may affect the disruption in the flow of blood. The blood may not be able to flow in the right direction and develop a pool of blood or a clump that results in a bulge in the veins. This leads to an individual being affected by spider veins.

Spider Vein Treatments

There are various treatment options for spider veins, and some treatment options don’t even require the services of a medical professional.

Wearing compression stockings

Wearing a compression stocking will help put pressure on the lower leg, which may help increase the flow of blood and help stop these spider veins from aggravating any further.

Compression stockings may also help reduce the risk of the formation of blood clots in your leg.


In this type of treatment option, the doctor injects a type of irritant in the affected portion of your leg in an effort to reduce the swelling and cause shrinkage in the veins. The spider vein starts to fade over time as you take this treatment multiple times until you get the desired results. Sclerotherapy has proven to be very effective in helping spider veins fade.

Spider Vein Treatments Sclerotherapy NYC

Closure System

This type of treatment very closely resembles that of sclerotherapy. Doctors use this system of treatment by injecting a sticky substance into the affected vein, which closes the vein from any flow of blood. With the passage of time, the spider vein starts to fade.

Spider Vein Treatments: Conclusion

Contact the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center to learn more about the different types of vascular diseases and the various vein treatment options offered.

Dr. Norman Chideckel specializes in the treatment of vascular related diseases like spider veins, varicose veins, and other vascular diseases and conditions. 

Schedule an appointment today:

Vascular Surgery & Vein Center
Dr. Norman Chideckel

108 East 96th Street
New York, NY 10128

Causes Of Spider Veins & Treatment Options

What are the causes of spider veins? Spider veins are damaged veins that may be a sign or symptom of an underlying medical condition pertaining to your circulatory system. The network of blood vessels in our body is enormous and includes arteries and veins.

Causes of spider veins

While spider veins may pose health risks, some people get medical and surgical treatment for cosmetic reasons. This is because the spider veins affect the appearance of the skin, making people conscious.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins may be red, blue, or even purple in appearance. They appear as a cluster of small veins that spread out like spider webs or branches. People may often refer to spider veins as thread veins.

What Are the Causes of Spider Veins?

Spider veins can appear on the legs when the valves inside the veins are unable to function properly. Veins are responsible for carrying the blood back to the heart. The valves are necessary to enable a one-way movement of the blood flow (i.e., towards the heart). In function, the valve closes as the blood passes through.

Once the valves inside the veins weaken or suffer damage, they may not be able to prevent the backward flow of blood. Eventually, the blood does not flow in the correct direction, creating a blood pool inside the vein.

This results in a bulge, which leads to the veins branching out in a spider-web or sunburst fashion. Spider veins can also occur when smaller veins burst inside the body. There are numerous causes and factors that can lead to the development of spider veins in the body:

  • Excessive standing (due to long working hours as a teacher, factory worker, nurse, etc.)
  • Overweight (obesity)
  • Postmenopausal Hormone replacement
  • Health conditions that increase abdominal pressure, including constipation
  • Tight garments around body parts
  • Heredity
  • Puberty, menopause, or pregnancy
  • Persistent blood clot conditions that may even be genetic
  • Birth control pills usage
  • Previous surgeries (vein surgeries)
  • Injury, trauma, or any physical damage to the skin
  • Excessive exposure to UV light

What Are the Risk Factors of Developing Spider Veins?

Here are some factors that doctors and vascular surgeons believe increase the risk of spider and varicose veins in people. They are as follows:

  • Pregnancy: Due to the additional weight of the fetus and increased blood flow, some women tend to experience extreme weight pressure when standing. This leads to severe pressure on the veins in their legs, and thus spider veins appear. However, generally, such veins disappear post-pregnancy but carry the risk of being permanent.
  • Gender factor: Females experience spider veins more than men
  • Old age: As people age, the valves inside their veins weaken. Further, the calf muscles, which act as support to the veins, also lose strength over time.
  • Genetics: People with a family history of spider veins are prone to developing spider veins.
  • Face pressure: It may be a result of forceful sneezing, coughing, or vomiting. Childbirth pain can result in excessive face pressure as well.
  • Overweight: Bodyweight plays a significant role in the pressure that your legs endure. Increased body weight would result in more pressure on the leg and the veins.
  • Previous vein damage: It can result in the weakening of the veins and valves.
  • Hormones: Estrogen in the body can weaken vein valves due to hormonal treatments of menopause or birth control.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Exposure to the sun can make the smaller veins burst or break, which ultimately leads to the emergence of spider veins on the skin.
  • Standing for Long periods: The veins in your legs experience intense exhaustion when you stand for long periods.

What Are the Treatment Options for Spider Veins?

Lifestyle Changes

Weight loss, healthy walking, and excellent skin hygiene can help in treating spider as well as varicose veins.


In sclerotherapy, your vascular surgeon creates a small incision on the skin area with spider veins to administer the sclerosing agents. These chemicals form a foam or liquid solution that seals the vein.

Eventually, the body absorbs this damaged and dead vein while the blood redirects to other healthy veins for appropriate flow function.

Treatment and causes of spider veins

Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy

The surgeon inserts a small fiber wire into the damaged vein (usually larger varicose veins) to shrink them by heating through radiation. Subsequently, the walls collapse due to heating, and the veins shrink, which leads to the closure of the damaged vein.


Surgical techniques include ligation and stripping, which means that your vascular surgeon will tie the ends and remove the damaged parts of the vein.

There are various other treatment options that your vascular surgeon may suggest after diagnostics and evaluation of your condition.

With the variety of treatment options, especially non-invasive surgical procedures, many people are getting cosmetic treatments. These help to minimize the appearance and the visual defect of the skin due to spider veins.

Causes of Spider Veins: Conclusion

Are you looking for the best vascular surgeon for your spider veins? Dr. Norman Chideckel, MD at the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center can help you with the treatment of spider and varicose veins.

Give us a call at 212-993-6133 to set an appointment with Dr. Chideckel today. Visit our official website to learn more about spider veins and the best treatment options.


References & Related Links:,from%20their%20striking%20spiderweb%20pattern.

2021 Treatments For Varicose & Spider Veins

In 2021, advanced technology is making its way into just about every industry. This especially pertains to the healthcare sector, which has been experiencing numerous changes for a decade. With this rapid increase in technological advancement, we can predict where the health sector will stand in the future.

Even at our Vascular Surgery and Vein Center, we ensure that you receive the best treatment with the latest technologies. That is how we can treat venous conditions in the safest and effective environment. In this article, you will understand the latest treatment options you have for varicose or spider veins.

What are Varicose and Spider Veins

The blood circulates throughout our body to provide oxygen and energy. On the way back to the heart, it carries carbon dioxide and waste materials. When the blood leaves the heart, pressure from the valves helps the blood reach the body parts. The blood leaves the body parts, and it needs a push to return to the heart, acting against gravity.

To run this process smoothly, your veins have valves at each end. The valves prevent blood from flowing backward. You start to noticing varicose and spider veins when valves are unable to close properly. This stops the blood from flowing forward, and eventually, it fills up your blood vessels.

2021 Treatments for Varicose & Spider Veins

1.    Endovenous Laser Ablation

Endovenous Laser Ablation or EVLA is an advanced heat technique that enables the vein specialist to destroy the varicose veins. This treatment is similar to Endovenous radiofrequency ablation, including utilizing the radiofrequency to remove the abnormal vein from your body. Likewise, radiofrequency ablation, EVLA, also includes a catheter to perform the procedure. The size of this thin tube may differ depending on how long the varicose vein is.

2021 Treatments for Varicose & Spider Veins

The vein specialist will insert the tube inside the vein that you want to get rid of. Once the tube enters the vein, the specialist will push forward fiber laser optics through the tube. They will then use high beam laser technology to generate heat and destroy the cells on the vein’s inner layer. This scars the tissue, closing the ends.

This technique’s main purpose is to close the abnormal vein, so the blood starts circulating through other healthy veins. Once this happens, the damaged veins start to shrink. This enables tissues to absorb the damaged vein making everything normal.

2.    Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Many experts suggest this technique to remove bulging veins, making this the ideal option for you. During diagnosis, the specialist will rely on ultrasound technology to inspect the problem and bulgy veins. In contrast, the specialist will use a marker to map out the vein before starting the procedure. You should know that the varicose veins are deeper inside than they are visible from the skin.

After marking the veins, the specialist will massage the affected regions and numb them using local anesthesia. Once the bulging vein area is numb, the specialist will make small incisions, tracing the varicose veins. With the help of a hook-like tool, the specialist will drag out the vein, removing it from your body.

Once the specialist completes the procedure, they will use surgical tape to close the cuts and cover your leg with compression stockings. After the procedure, you can simply leave the doctor’s office normally and perform normal activities. During recovery, you will experience slight pain and swelling. Though, this period will last for a week or two. Doctors will prescribe medication such as Ibuprofen to ease the pain.

3.    Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a less painful treatment, including numerous variations such as normal sclerotherapy and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy. Vein specialists usually recommend this technique for tiny varicose veins. This technique is simple and requires inserting a solution into the damaged vein via an injection. The solution will scar the veins, diverting blood flow to normal veins. Similar to EVLA, the vein will dissolve with the help of tissues surrounding it.

Firstly, the doctors will recommend simple sclerotherapy. In this treatment, you see instant results. Due to the solution’s sticky nature, the vein will immediately close while it enters inside your vein. But with heavy doses of the solution, some patients might experience side effects, such as irritation, for a few days (Source). The circulation process returns to normal after the recovery period.


On the other hand, if the bulgy veins are hardest to find, the vein specialist will perform ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy. With ultrasound images, the doctor will identify veins and decide between laser and liquid sclerotherapy to eliminate the veins completely. After the procedure, patients have to wear compression stockings to speed up the recovery process and avoid failure.


While you undergo the treatment process, you need to ensure that the vein specialist is highly qualified to perform the treatment.

If you want to visit a professional vein specialist in New York City, you can contact our vein treatment center at 212-993-6133. Dr. Norman Chideckel has extensive experience in performing all the latest treatments for spider and varicose veins. He will diagnose your condition and recommend the best possible treatment.

Top Causes of Spider Veins

Top Causes of Spider Veins

Our veins have a complex network, but not all of us are aware of the conditions that may occur in our veins, spider veins are one of them. Spider veins usually appear as a small set of veins or blood vessels that may vary in color, develop under the skin, and are quite visible. They look just like spider webs and often resemble the look of marble.

It is important to know the causes and keep your body healthy to prevent any of these conditions from occurring in your veins. This post brings you the information regarding the causes of this condition so that you can understand and implement any changes in your routine that would assist in developing this condition.

What Are The Symptoms Of Spider Veins?

Firstly, let us talk about how you can identify if this condition is developing in your veins. One of the most prominent symptoms of this condition is the appearance. You will notice the veins developing by the appearance they have.

You will be able to see the difference between what your veins normally look like and what they look like once the spider veins are developing. These veins, some even less than 3mm in size, may appear as bluish-purple on face and legs.

Another symptom is the discomfort you may feel. Due to the veins twisting and tightening, you might feel a bit of pain, a feeling of fullness, and stiffness in that particular area. Therefore, if you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to contact your doctor right away.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Now, let’s discuss what causes spider veins to develop. Firstly, spider veins develop in the leg area, hands, and face due to malfunctioning valves. The valves that are within the feeder veins are not healthy, resulting in the blood flowing back into the vein rather than towards the heart. The effect on blood circulation can cause non-functional veins to appear under the skin.

Spider veins on the face may develop due to the frequent exposure to UV rays of the sun. Also, the tiny veins running through your face may burst because of increased pressure due to sneezing, coughing, or vomiting.

Factors that make you prone to developing spider veins include:


One of the primary reasons for spider veins to develop is genes. As we know, some diseases and conditions are hereditary, and you have a higher risk of developing the same condition that runs in the family. Spider veins are of the same nature.

If you know that spider veins is a condition that your parents or grandparents went through, you should consult and take tests to prevent the condition from occurring in you.


Another reason for spider veins to develop is pregnancy. It can put a lot of pressure on the abdomen and legs, which results in the veins to swell up and face issues. Developing spider veins is quite common in women during pregnancy.


Age is another factor that may result in the condition to develop. While our body ages, so do our veins; they tend to lose the functioning capability they once had. It leads the veins to malfunction and causes the natural flow of blood to do the opposite of what is necessary.

As we grow older, it is mandatory that we keep our lifestyle in check and visit the doctor from time to time.


Some people work in such environments or have specific duties that may require them to stand and move around more rather than sitting behind a desk. This can exert a lot of pressure on the legs, which can eventually result in the condition to develop.


Biggest Causes of Spider Veins 02

Another factor that results in putting pressure on the abdomen and legs is obesity. By keeping your weight and health in check, you can prevent this conation from developing.

Treatment Options

There are a few options a patient can choose from, such as wearing compression stockings and avoiding sun exposure. However, the two most common and effective methods include Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy and Visually Guided Sclerotherapy. It is important that while discussing your treatment options, you let the doctor know if there are any other health-related issues you are facing.


Now you know everything on how spider veins may develop. Therefore, now it is your duty to ensure you are following the right lifestyle while keeping these causes in check. This will help you to keep your veins healthy.

If you have already developed this condition, make sure to get the treatment as soon as possible. Leaving the spider veins untreated can lead to varicose veins, which causes more pain and discomfort.

If you’re looking for the best vascular surgeon in NYC to treat your spider veins or want to learn more about this condition, look no further than the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center. Contact us today to reduce the risk of spider veins and maintain healthy veins.

Vascular Surgery & Vein Center
108 East 96th Street
Front 1
New York, NY 10128

I Have Spider Veins on My Legs! How do I Get Rid of Them?

Most people would love to have smooth, blemish-free skin without ever having to undergo treatments in order to do so. This is particularly true with spider veins, a common and milder type of varicose veins. However, it often takes a procedure to remove spider veins and promote blemish-free skin. So, if you exclaim, “I have spider veins on my legs! How do I get rid of them?” the following details will prove helpful in your quest.

What Are Spider Veins and How Do I Have Spider Veins on My Legs?

Spider veins are smaller red, blue, or purple vessels, which twist and turn under the skin. These are easily visible through the skin and are often seen on the face and legs. The spider veins appear on their own, however, there may be predispositions to acquiring spider veins related to heredity, occupations which involve a lot of standing, obesity, hormonal influences, birth control pill use, postmenopausal hormone replacement, history of blood clots, and conditions which cause increased pressure in the abdomen.

What Does Spider Vein Treatment Consist Of?

There are ways to treat and prevent the appearance of spider veins. These treatment and prevention methods range from at-home self-care options to treatment by a medical professional. For those who wish to treat their spider veins on their own, you can improve your circulation and help to prevent spider veins by exercising, elevating your legs, and alternate standing up and sitting down during work on a continual basis (depending on whether your job is more sedentary or mobile in nature). The at-home methods won’t treat spider veins which already exist, but will help to prevent new ones from popping up.

For treatment methods outside of the home, individuals suffering from spider veins can undergo sclerotherapy with the assistance of a medical health professional. Sclerotherapy is the most common type of spider vein treatment and entails getting chemical injections in the spider veins and then wearing compression stockings for one to two weeks after the treatment. This type of treatment method works to remove spider veins by making the vein walls stick together and preventing blood flow. This will also improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Another type of treatment for spider veins is laser treatment. A laser light will be directed at the veins and smaller spider veins might disappear immediately after treatment whereas larger ones may take a few months to disappear.

An additional, newer type of spider vein treatment being used is the endovenous laser therapy (EVLT). This is often used instead of having to surgically remove a vein. The treatment works inside of the vein via a laser fiber in order to destroy it. The treated vein often takes about a year to disappear with this type of spider vein treatment.

Visit Norman Chideckel, MD, for Your Spider Veins Treatment

Are you ready to have your spider veins evaluated and treated? Norman Chideckel, MD of the Vascular Surgery and Vein Center in New York City can help you with all of your spider vein treatment needs.

Contact us today for an appointment with the best varicose vein doctor in NYC, Dr. Norman Chideckel, and start on your way to enjoying a clear, vein-free appearance.

Treatment of spider veins

Those small webs of blue or purple lines on legs can cause some women to lock themselves inside their house during the warm months. Spider veins can make you feel self-conscious and to some women they cause pain and discomfort. You will eventually ask yourself, how does one go about the treatment of spider veins? Luckily, there are many effective and safe methods available today that reduce or eliminate the appearance of spider veins. There are many preventive approaches you can try at home to prevent future veins appearing. But if you are ready to see these veins disappear, there are now several minimally invasive procedures that will bring your confidence back right along with your beautiful legs.

What Causes Spider Veins?

A number of different factors have been known to contribute to the appearance of spider veins. Some of these include hormone imbalanced, inherited, Weight change (losing or gaining), smoking, inactivity, pregnancy, and standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time.

Is Spider Vein Treatment A Good Option For Me?

If your spider veins keep you from enjoying life or make you uncomfortable to do normal outdoor activities with your family, you may want to consider treatment for your spider veins. If your veins are causing you discomfort, pain, restless legs, and keep you from sleeping or resting, you may also want to seek treatment.

Saying Goodbye is Safe and Easy

There are several ways to get rid of those unsightly veins.  Three minimally invasive procedures that come highly recommended include:

  1. Sclerotherapy: Conducted right in the doctor’s office in less than an hour, this is the most popular option for removing spider veins. The doctor will inject a solution directly into the vein, causing it to disappear gradually over the next few weeks. You will most likely be able to continue regular activity the same day.
  2. VeinGogh: This procedure is done as an outpatient procedure right in your doctor’s office. The procedure is usually pain-free and involves little or no downtime. VeinGogh is done with a small fiber, about the width or a single hair, to send heat into the affected vein. When inserted, the heat from the fiber causes the walls of the vein to breakdown. The vein eventually disappears.
  3. Endovenous Laser Treatment: This procedure is similar to the VeinGogh procedure, and may be used depending on the size of your affected vein. During this procedure, your doctor will insert a laser fiber into your targeted vein. Once the fibrous laser is activated it will heat up the vein, forcing it to collapse and close tightly like shrink wrap. The heat will not harm the surrounding area and the vein will fade. This is an outpatient procedure which uses anesthesia.

If you think you are ready to see vein free legs when you look in the mirror, or ready to get rid of the discomfort you are probably a good candidate for vein treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Norman Chideckel for the treatment of spider veins. 

Spider Vein Treatment NYC

Causes of Spider Veins

Spider veins are a common condition among many adults. They are recognized as a cluster of tiny web-like structures close to the surface of the skin. Spider veins are caused by an unhealthy valve inside your veins that will not allow the blood to flow normally. The blood will then flow backwards instead of against gravity where it is supposed to be returning to the heart. This results in a vein that it clogged and no longer functional for the flow of blood.

How Does This Happen?

The exact cause of spider veins is difficult to pin on one culprit. We know that they are mainly caused by pressure in the veins, however the reason for the pressure has been uncertain from case to case. Many ideas are believed to be primary contributing factors to the condition of these visible veins.

A few of the sources known to have a tendency to contribute include: genetics, stress, age, sun damage, pregnancy, birth control pills, and hormone replacement.  Inactivity can cause visible veins due to the lack of muscle movement.  Your muscles help the veins to push the blood back up toward the heart and when your muscles are motionless, this process places more pressure on your veins. It is also common for individuals who have jobs that required standing for long periods of time to have an increased amount of pressure on the veins in their legs. Some professions that contribute to spider veins include teachers, factory workers, nurses, and hairstylist. Women have a higher likelihood of acquiring spider veins than men do. This is suggested to be related to hormones women possess.

Extra weight can also put pressure on the veins. Too much fat tissue around your organs or under the skin causes more pressure on the vessels in your legs. This increase in pressure dilates the veins, making it difficult for blood to see it’s way through.

Other Contributors?

Lifestyle is another contributor of unsightly veins. Individuals who are not active may have a greater chance of obtaining spider veins. Exercise is said to reduce the chances of appearance. Obesity can increase your chances of acquiring visible web-like veins as you have more pressure on your veins. Smoking restricts blood from flowing easily through your body by reducing circulatory function.

If you would like to learn more about how your condition, contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Norman Chideckel for the treatment of spider veins today.

What Are Spider Veins and Treatment Options?

Spider veins are a form of varicose vein. If you have them, you may want to find a way to remove them. Though they tend not to be worrisome from a health standpoint, many people want a treatment for spider veins that will improve the look of the skin. Understand what these veins are, why they occur, and what can be done about them can give you the confidence you need when seeking treatment for them.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are very common. These are thin veins that tend to run in lines right under the skin. They tend to be red in color. They often look like a web network. What they are is much like this. They are a network of blood vessels that are located right under the top layer of skin. When there is a buildup of pressure in your veins, they can push outwards and become more visible like this. It’s always important for individuals who have spider veins or any other type of varicose vein to seek out treatment for the condition especially if there is any pain. Spider veins tend to develop on the feet and legs, but can occur in other areas.

What Treatment Options Exist for Spider Veins?

There are treatments available for spider veins. Sclerotherapy is one option. In this option, your varicose vein doctor will inject a liquid chemical into the vein. This creates scarring of the inside of the vein and, eventually, the vein fades away. A second option that is being used more commonly today is laser surgery. Energy is used from the outside to damage the vein. This prevents blood from flowing to the vein and, eventually, the vein simply fades away. There are no incisions and no scarring in this form of therapy. Both options are very safe and both can be done in your varicose vein doctor’s office.

To find out what options are available to you for treatment of spider veins, seek out the help of your varicose vein doctor. You’ll learn what your options are and what steps you can take to see improvement. To learn more about your needs, contact your varicose vein doctor in Manhattan, New York. Our team can help you to learn more about why you have spider veins and, if you do have them, what type of procedure might be right for you.

Call us today at 212-993-6133 to schedule an appointment with the best Varicose vein treatment doctor in New York City.

What Surgical Procedures Can Help with Varicose Veins?

For some people, varicose veins can become problematic and require treatment beyond simply treating them with over-the-counter methods. There are several medical procedures available that can provide individuals with the improvement they need. These medical procedures have the goal of closing off the varicose veins or removing them entirely. What is right for you depends on many factors including the severity of the condition, their location, and your overall health. What treatment for varicose veins is right for your needs? Consider these options.


One of the most common steps for doctors to take is to use sclerotherapy. This procedure uses a liquid chemical that is injected into the impacted vein. This then causes irritation and, scarring from the inside of the vein. Eventually, it leads to the vein becoming closed off. This allows the vein to naturally fade away, no longer being accessible to blood supply.


This procedure is much like sclerotherapy but it is used to treat spider veins, which are much smaller than varicose veins typically are. In this method, a fine needle is used to inject the chemical to close off the vein.

Laser Surgery

A growing in popular option is laser surgery. It used a light energy that is applied to the exterior of the varicose vein. This allows the vein to fade away. This is often an acceptable option for smaller varicose veins and does not requiring any cutting of the skin or any injection of chemicals.

Ablation Therapy

Some ablation therapy can be helpful in treating this condition. This type of therapy, specifically endovenous ablation, uses radio waves or lasers to heat the area and close off the vein. This is done through a small cut that is made in the skin near the vein. A catheter is then inserted into the vein so that the proper location can be obtained.


There are other types of medical procedures available as well. This includes ambulatory phlebotomy, in which a doctor cuts into the skin to remove the varicose veins and endoscopic vein surgery which occurs when a small cut is made in the skin to allow a camera to pass into it and a device removes the vein or closes it off.

Which is the right treatment for varicose veins for you depends on your specific needs. When you come in to see our Manhattan, New York varicose vein doctor, you’ll learn more about those options.